Relate to this 💯. I picked up a second hand digital camera and camcorder and it’s been so nice to not be on my phone when filming and getting distracted

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Oh wow, a camcorder is so nostalgic 🥹 We had boxes and boxes of “home movies”. I have to get myself one!

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I never had one so it’s been a massive novelty hahah. I picked it up at a flea market for £4/$7.

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I've had an alarm clock for years, and I recommend it to everyone. I turn off my phone in the evening and only turn it on after 9-10 a.m. when I start working. My bedroom is a technology-free zone, except for my Kindle and alarm clock.

I also do digital detox days, and I would love to do them more! When I know I'm home all day, I keep my phone off all day, and it is the most blissful day. If I want to watch something, I use my laptop.

I'm also trying to block WhatsApp during the day and unblock it for one hour at lunchtime. This is a new experiment, as I realized that already working with a laptop all day and multitasking with my phone overwhelms and exhausts me even more by the end of the day. Instagram is already blocked, and I use it once a week unless I'm on holiday like now.

Anyway, as you can read, I'm trying a lot of things because, for many years, I've had a heightened awareness of what the phone does to my mental and emotional well-being and destroys my creativity. I wrote a post about it a couple of years ago.


I may write a more updated version soon.

I'm actually working on an ebook at the moment on my tools for working more focused and not allowing distractions to take over. Like a little toolkit :)

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Sep 15Liked by Caoilainn

Personally, I *do* bring my Tangle Teaser everywhere with me 💁🏼‍♀️

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Gah! Thank you for this. Honestly, it gives me the heebie jeebies too. One of the reasons I quit IG was because of that unconscious reopening of the app only seconds after closing it. That behaviour has gotten better, but I still do it with other apps, just not as much. I’m mostly freaked out by what my 6mo daughter makes of these things. We’re making a conscious effort to not be on it as much as we can, when we’re with her (reading this whilst feeding her though 🫠) or to hold it out if her sightline if we are, but even still, we’re only human and it happens. Does she think they’re an actual body part?! An extension of our hands? She’s fascinated by our phones, whatever the case. I also keep thinking, when my partner and I are in the same room and both on our phones, that we are unconsciously choosing to be in the world we access via them, rather than with each other, and that makes me sad. But I also know it’s the same for so, so many couples/friends/families. Something has got to give, indeed. Right. Off my phone and time to be present! Thanks for the nudge 🙏🏻

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I cannot imagine how difficult this is to navigate with young children, really don’t envy that challenge 🫣 It’s so hard to create boundaries. I’m not a zealot and believe technology should have a place in our lives, but it’s still tough. I really resonate with what you said about being on your phone next to your partner who is also on their phone - I get the *exact* same icky feeling when that happens. Thanks for reading Alana! 🩷

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This was a great read, and unfortunately so relatable.

Luckily, I don't have to wake up with an alarm clock, so I keep my phone out of the bedroom at night and in the mornings—which was a hard habit to squash, but now it's second nature. It gives me hope that I could create some more habits that lessen the time I waste on my phone.

I love the ideas you share, Caoilainn. Now I'm dreaming of owning a film camera 🥹

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I am so envious you don’t rely on an alarm to wake up! Wish I had a body clock like that… but I am buying an alarm clock asap! Thank you for reading and super happy the post resonated with you 🩷

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An important topic and one I intend to write on soon, after I've finished what I want to say about neurodivergence. I have similar thoughts about my phone - and like you, have it next to my bed at night. Why do we do this to ourselves? Oh yeah, that little thing called convenience (which has actually turned out to be more of a ball and chain than I thought 🤷🏼‍♀️).

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My experience is that distraction often masquerades as convenience. Have you read Digital Minimalism?

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I haven't yet, but I want to! I have a stack of other books to get through first :)

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Love this. I miss my Motorola phone…

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