As someone who just recently gave in to purchasing wall Pilates after being hit over the head with its ads EVERY SINGLE DAY for the past year, I felt this. I try to resist the slimy marketing tactics, the urge to doomscroll, the need to know useless, fleeting internet trends (Brat summer? Demure and mindful? Do I really need to know this?), but the struggle is real. I’m not even 14, I’m 44!😭😂 Great essay! This is how we fight back.✊🏽

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Thank you so much for your kind words Nida! 💓 I thought brat summer was funny but 1) I didn’t even fully get the demure thing and 2) that really felt over before it even began 🤣 We don’t need this noise! We need to frolic 🌸

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Absolutely! Play is so underrated as a means for self-actualization. We really had it right the first time, as kids.😂

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Lolling at the Serena Van Der Woodsen ref ☺️💕

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Any excuse to reference Gossip Girl 🤣

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The title instantly made me read this. Great read and I’m excited to read Cal Newport’s book you mentioned! 🥰

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You won’t regret it Kamela! Thanks for reading 💕

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Those hard water shampoos are so clearly just normal shampoos with a bit of citric acid shoved in! 😂

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Knew it was nothing special!!! 🤣

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Loved reading this and it feels so relatable right now. I completely exited instagram maybe nearly 2 years ago now (it’s been so long I can’t actually remember) but I’m still so drawn to those short snappy videos on YouTube and Facebook and all of a sudden I find myself watching something and then thinking would my life be better if… when I’m really happy with my life as it is! Amazing how it gets you, eh!

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I always remind myself how many teams of people designed this specifically to make it addictive. You need to be so careful to protect your time! Thanks for reading 💕

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It’s the terminal illness part for me (as someone who was diagnosed with cancer 4 years ago) you’re spot on. Everything changes and what really matters is family, friends, and spending time doing things that are offline.

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I’m so sorry, Rebecca. I hope you are okay. I think we all spend a scary amount of our lives doing things we don’t want to do.

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Definitely! I’m glad you’re able to find ways to live as if you’re dying without actually dying 😉

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The title got me on this one. I am so incredibly drawn to self-improvement messaging — and it’s so incredibly detrimental to think that your self needs endless improvement and optimization. It really is “quicksand,” as you say. Enchanting article ✨

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Thank you Rose and so happy it connected 🫶🏻 we really are all living through the same struggles

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"life should have a great deal of unstructured time for play and contemplation" - ooohhh this is right up my alley, and something I'm planning on writing about in the coming months!

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Aug 25Liked by Caoilainn

Very thought-provoking read Caoilainn. I've been thinking about this a lot in terms of the behaviours I want to model for O. But toddlers are also great teachers - they literally just want to sit outside and touch grass! Also that final Rosamund Pike gif is perfection.

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Thank you Caoimhs 💓 lol I cannot get enough of Rosamund Pike in Saltburn, she stole the show every single time she was on screen

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Great read, Caoilainn. Funny enough, I bought Hello Klean haha a while back, but it didn't have the shower head, just the cartridge. A hairdresser friend recommended it after I told him I had eczema on my head. It didn't really help with that, and now luckily it's gone.

I feel so much better since logging on less and less on Instagram. I miss out on a lot, but I feel more peaceful without this constant bombardment of information. And when I log on occasionally, it's so crazy how my mood shifts again to feeling more anxious, wanting, planning... I'm still on YouTube, but I try and only follow people now that feel nourishing to watch, even though the recommendation page is sometimes a danger zone haha

When Blinkist first came out, I was extremely sad as someone who loves reading books. I couldn't believe why we want to optimize everything. I did try it out of curiosity, but these 15 minutes left me more empty than nourished.

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Nooooo it got you 💸😅 I was *this* close. Also love that you tried Blinkist and found out for yourself. It’s funny, I also feel very cautious of developing an attitude where any new or innovative = bad or to be avoided. Life is never that black and white, it just feels like such a minefield trying new things because they are designed to capture our attention. And I second the mental health boost that comes from deleting Instagram. Actually going to do it now and enjoy the weekend 😎

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hahahaha I didn't see it on Instagram, my hairdresser friend told me about it in person. Although he may have seen it on Instagram. But I have fallen for other things I saw on Instagram.

As someone who works in tech, I'm always curious to try new things. I love innovative products, but I had doubts when I tried Blinkisr. I enjoy reading and writing, and the thought of someone reading a 15-minute version of a book I've written is devastating! Imagine, OMG? I would cry.

Oh, and James Clear, I really liked his book, but after reading your post, I realize I need to take it with a pinch of salt as we are surrounded by toxic productivity. My next post will touch base on this as I keep falling for this trap.

Enjoy your weekend, baby!

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Ah thanks for the clarification. Makes sense :)

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Nice read, though makes me wonder why you call it a feminine urge?

I think it’s more the need of anyone growing up in a society that has a fucked up idea about progress, productivity and efficiency.

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Hey Marco! It’s actually a reference to the meme “the feminine urge to [insert topic here]”. Of course this topic impacts everyone, I’m just writing from a female lens and talking mainly about products targeted at women in this article, so I felt like it was a fun title!

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