Nailed it with this piece. Cannot stand the words content and content creators. I actually work in one of the largest tourist area in the US. Seeing the people daily not exploring their surroundings but looking at screens and looking for the perfect Instagram photo. Well done.

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Thank you so much! It makes me really sad because taking videos of absolutely everything cheapens the memory - I fully believe things that are experienced without a phone camera stay with us longer - even if the details become fuzzy over time.

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Wonderful article!! Spot on!! There really is a difference between someone who’s “been to a lot of places” and a well-traveled individual.

Going to out-of-the-way/off-the-beaten-path places (both near and far) - and at off-season times - helps avoid the throngs of tourists.

Homestays or Airbnbs at a local’s home are also a great idea.

I have so many stories about neat and unique things I experienced because of either staying with or making an effort to talk to locals!

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I loooove that description of “been to a lot of places” vs being well-travelled. Because travelling far is now much more accessible, it’s become like a checkbox and move on to the next place. I even notice people using checkboxes on to describe the cities they “hit” when travelling around a country.

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Jun 24Liked by Caoilainn

So pleased to read more of your writing! And I love this post! My son sometimes reminds me to put my phone down and enjoy the moment. On holidays, I find taking a separate camera helps curb the urge to share and helps to foster real relaxation!

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Separate camera is such a good idea! Bring back camcorders! 🎥 And thanks so much Rachael 🫶🏻

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